Steel Piperacks

Process Steel Structures

Concrete Structures

Concrete Foundations


BK STRUTTURE provides engineering design of Process Steel Structures, Steel Piperacks, Concrete Foundations and Concrete Structures.
About all of this BK STRUTTURE focuses on the activities of: 

  • basic engineering, including estimation of investment
  • detailed engineering for construction

of civil works in industrial plants (both ONSHORE & OFFSHORE).
Civil and structural works designed (including bill of quantities and Material Take off) are:

  • Equipment Foundations (tanks, coolers, skids, horizontal and vertical vessels, scrubber vessels & traps)
    • Calculation report (check of ground pressure, steel reinforcements, reinforced concrete section, anchoring of steel reinforcement, concrete breakout of anchors in tension and shear, anchor bolts);
    • Detail drawings (formwork, reinforcement, bar bending schedule, embedded plates, concrete saddle, anchor bolts);
  •  Foundations of vibrating machines (pumps, compressors)
    • Calculation reports (static and dynamic tests including verification of Vendor requirements, check of frequencies ratio of system exciting respect to the natural system, verification of the amplitudes limits);
    • Detail drawings (formwork, reinforcement, bar bending schedule, embedded plates, concrete saddle, anchor bolts);
  • Concrete basin, pits, retaining walls, culverts, drain channel, paving, piping supports, sleepers
    • Calculation reports (verification of ground pressure, walls and foundation slab system with box‐type modeling in 3D, reinforcement, reinforced concrete sections, anchoring of steel reinforcement);
    • Detail drawings (formwork, reinforcement, bar bending schedule, specific rebar reinforcement for joint and corner);
  •  Primary steel structures (skids, piperacks, process structures) and secondary (platforms & walkways)
    • Calculation report (design & check of steel sections, structural calculation nodes / connections, calculation of reactions load on foundations);
    • Detail drawings (plans, elevations, structural details);
    • Review of erection & shop drawings;
  • Buildings (buildings & shelters)
    • Calculation reports (Design & check of structure ‐reinforced concrete and / or steel);
    • Detail drawings (plans, elevations, structural details, architectural assemblies);
    • Review of erection & shop drawings;
  • Underground networks (technological drainage, sewage, acid water, meteoric water, fire water)
    • Calculation reports (design and check of the pipes strength, hydraulic calculation);
    • Detail drawings (general plan, pits service, channels, road crossing, construction details)
  • Civil Works Layout and Foundations Plans
    • Site preparations of plant areas with specified final ground elevations of slopes, excavation and embankments, foundations, pipeways, trenches and roads;

Main Design Codes

    • ACI American Concrete Institute
    • AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
    • ASCE America Society of Civil Engineers
    • AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
  • BSI (British Standard Institute)
  • NTC Norme tecniche per le costruzioni



61121 Pesaro, Italy
Via U. Foscolo, 29
Tel.: +39 0721 1627720
Tel.: +39 349 3014644
VAT: 02643540418